Ghislaine Maxwell's Brother Gave An Interview Saying He "Fears For Her Safety" Because All Of Jeffery Epstein's Friends Are Turning Up Dead

Source - The family of Ghislaine Maxwell say they fear for her safety after model agent Jean-Luc Brunel was found hanged in his Paris prison cell on Saturday.

Maxwell, who was convicted last year of sex trafficking, allegedly introduced Brunel to billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who was found hanging in his Manhattan lockup in August 2019.

“It’s really shocking,” Ian Maxwell, one of Ghislaine’s siblings, told The Post. “Another death by hanging in a high-security prison. My reaction is one of total shock and bewilderment.”

In an interview from his home in London, Maxwell said the family “fears for her safety” at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn where she is being held.

Following her Dec. 29 conviction on sexual abuse charges, Maxwell was put into a room at the prison with a psychiatrist and two others, including a guard with everything recorded on camera, her brother said.

“Despite the psychiatrist advising to the contrary, she was deemed a suicide risk and they are continuing to wake her up every 15 minutes in the night. It’s a complete violation of prisoner rights and human rights,” Ian Maxwell said. Maxwell’s attorney Bobbi Sternheim refused comment Saturday.

I'd be scared too, Ian. Because let's be honest, it's only a matter of time, right? Like I don't think she's going to be murdered, but I do think she's going to take her own life. You simply cannot live in those conditions for an extended period of time. Especially when you've been living the life of riley for the past sixty years. I mean imagine what a shock it must be to her system to go from a mansion where she has everything she could ever ask for to a jail cell? It almost makes you feel bad for her until you remember she is literally the devil personified. It doesn't get much more evil than Ghislaine Maxwell. Which is why it's so bizarre that her family keeps giving interviews saying they feel bad for her. Like aren't they embarrassed? No one is going to side hear their pleas and say, "you know what, maybe we went too hard on Ghislaine..." 

Of course, this whole thing stems from the death of french model agent Jean-Luc Brunel who was found dead in his jail cell just last week. Dante wrote about it here...

Prince Andrew also recently settled which is equally as fucked. What's even more fucked is that the royal family most likely paid for it. I hate writing about this type of stuff because it's so creepy, but it's going to be a massive news story so I figured I'd toss it on the blog. Best of luck to everyone who doesn't have the day off. Hopefully you're able to phone it in until 5:00. 

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